The fact table contains records with attributes from many dimension tables. These data enable users to assess various elements of their business, which can help them make better decisions and enhance their operations. The fact table, also referred to as the reality table, contains records that incorporate attributes from many dimension tables. That example, the records in the fact table may be a composite of completely different dimension tables. The fact table contains fewer attributes but more records. The table is known to be vertical and typically in numerical or text style. More importantly, fact tables are commonly utilized for analysis and decision-making.On the other hand, the dimension table contains the qualities used to generate the metric from the fact table. It comes before fact tables and contains more attributes but fewer records. The dimension table is horizontal and interestingly formatted in text. The Dimension table's principal use is to hold information about a business and its processes; it provides context and background information for the measures recorded in the fact table.To summarize, the primary distinction between fact tables and dimension tables is that dimension tables contain the properties on which the fact table's measures are based. For example, there are several tables that include descriptive information about the services that a specific company offers (these are dimension tables). In addition, we have a table(s) that carry at least one attribute of the aforementioned descriptive tables (this is known as the fact table).

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