Snowflake Schema and Star Schema

<b>Snowflake Schema</b>This provides flexibility and&nbsp; and normalization, which can accommodate complex and dynamic dimension and hierarchies. this schema is also the type of multidimensional model which is used for data warehouse. In this schema, the fact table, dimension table&nbsp; as well as sub dimension tables are contained. this schema form a snowflake with fact tables, dimension tables as well as sub-dimension tables.<b>Star Schema</b>This utilizes denormalization and redundancy,&nbsp; which improves read performance but can lead to wide dimension tables&nbsp; that take up more storage.&nbsp; Star schema is the type of multidimensional model which is used for data warehouse. in star schema, the fact tables and the dimensional tables are contained. In this schema fewer foreign-keys join is used. this schema forms a star with fact table and dimensions. (like the fact table is inside and the dimension table at the edges like a star shaped).<b>DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STAR SCHEMA AND SNOWFLAKE SCHEMA</b>1. In star schema, the fact tables and dimension tables are contained, while in snowflake schema, the fact tables, dimension tales as well as sub dimension tables are contained.2. star schema design is very simple while snowflake schema design is complex.3. star schema has high data redundancy while snowflake schema has low data redundancy.4. star schema has less number of foreign keys while&nbsp;snowflake schema has more foreign keys.5.&nbsp; in star schema, normalization is not used while in&nbsp;snowflake schema both normalization and denormalization are used.6. in star schema, it takes less time for the execution of queries while in&nbsp;snowflake schema it takes more time for the execution of queries

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